Science Writer, Ph.D. Physics, McGill University
Kaoru Takeuchi was born in Tokyo in 1960. He is a science writer.
He spent his childhood in New York City, U.S.A., where he attended a local school, and upon returning to Japan, had problems with truancy. After graduating from the University of Tokyo with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts and a Master of Science degree in Physics, he went on to earn a doctorate in high-energy physics from McGill University in Canada.
As a science writer, he has been working for 30 years to communicate science in an easy-to-understand manner. His major science-related books include "Penrose's Twisted Fourth Dimension," "Piece of the Universe," and "99.9% is Hypothesis," and his major translations include "The Miraculous Brain" and "Super-Compressed: The Complete History of Earth Life”.
Realizing that Japan's primary and secondary education was lagging behind global standards when his daughter started elementary school, he opened YES International School in 2016 with the goal of "education to survive in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)". He regards Japanese, English, and programming as three languages, and provides trilingual education. His hobbies include Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art, bird photography, playing the piano badly, climbing hills on his road bike, and spinning Rubik's Cube slowly.